[EBB Sightings] thrashers and jays

[EBB Sightings] thrashers and jays

Phila Rogers
Sun Sep 06 10:41:21 PDT 2009
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    Good Morning Birders:
    Chris Carmichael, Associate Director (and birder) at the UC Botanical Gardens emailed me yesterday that he had seen FOUR California Thrashers near the upper southeast corner of the garden where the Mediterranean and the Old Rose sections intersect.? Possibly two of them are the result of a successful breeding season and in time may disperse into chaparral in the Canyon.
    The main activity in my neighborhood (two blocks north of Lawrence Hall of Science) is with the local jays. Across the street a group of tall redwoods is home territory for several Steller's Jays while on my west-facing slope dominated by oaks, Shrub Jays prevail.? For the last week both species are in high dudgeon -- flying back and forth and squawking incessantly.? Why?? It's almost like mopping behavior (no evidence of that) or behavior when fledglings of another species are about (not likely now).? I wonder if it is some kind of territorial behavior related to the maturing of the live oak acorns?? Any thoughts?? 
    --Phila Rogers

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