[EBB Sightings] Five Warbler morning at Lake Temescal

[EBB Sightings] Five Warbler morning at Lake Temescal

Sat Sep 05 12:23:19 PDT 2009
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    Hi all;
    I birded Lake  Temescal this morning from 8:30-11.  Though the skies were primarily overcast for most of that time, bird activity was high.  From the Broadway Terrace parking area, I only had to pass the first bridge for alders and oak that were loaded with birds.   Best vantage point was the lawn around the picnic tables under the redwoods, where the alders on the lawn side and the oaks on the hill side are clearly visible.
    Highlights were:
    Black-throated Gray Warbler-male
    Townsend's Warblers-2 males
    Yellow Warblers-at least 2 and probably more
    Orange-crowned Warbler-1
    Wilson's Warblers-many
    Warbling Vireo-2, feeding with the warbler flock
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet: First-of-season, with the warblers
    Bullock's Oriole: 2
    Good birding,
    Pat Bacchetti

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