[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal migrants

[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal migrants

Tue Sep 01 12:10:49 PDT 2009
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    Hi Birders;
    An early-morning stroll from the Broadway Terrace entrance parking lot to about half-way around the lake was very birdy from the minute I stepped out of the car.  Bob Battigan's 3 BULLOCK'S ORIOLES were feeding the the elderberry and blackberrys up on the hill to the left of the trail.  Best vantage point is from the first picnic tables to the right, on the other side of the water. Also present at that spot were at least 4 WILSON'S WARBLERS and 2 WARBLING VIREOS hanging out with a gang of Bushtits.  Further on down the path, a first-of-fall TOWNSEND'S WARBLER was in the willows along the lake, then went up into a large oak on the other side of the trail.  The WESTERN FLYCATCHER was also in that neck of the woods, just having taken a bath. No tanagers were in the area that I walked.
    On the water, a PIED-BILLED GREBE mom was there with 2 striped-headed teenagers.
    Good birding,
    Pat Bacchetti

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