[EBB Sightings] Rose-breasted Grosbeak

[EBB Sightings] Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Kay Loughman
Fri Jul 17 09:12:23 PDT 2009
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    Once last month (on 6/12) and several times this month I have had a
    second-year male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK visit one of my feeders.  The
    visits this month have lasted only a few minutes - until the bird is
    scared off by a pack of juvenile scrub-jays.  This bird is not hanging
    out in my yard; but may be spending most of his time in Garber Park -
    just to the north of me.  Given that the bird has been seen
    intermittently for more than a month, it seems likely that it is
    spending the summer rather than just passing through.  Although I have
    several male, female and juvenile Black-headed Grosbeaks
    coming to my feeders, I have not seen any of these birds interacting
    with the Rose-breasted.
    Pictures of this bird alone, and also sharing the feeder with a 
    Black-headed Grosbeak may be seen in the Wildlife Gallery : Birds album 
    of my website:  www.nhwildlife.net
    Kay Loughman
    in the hills on the Berkeley/Oakland border
    overlooking Claremont Canyon

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