[EBB Sightings] Fw: Birds!

[EBB Sightings] Fw: Birds!

Phila Rogers
Wed Jul 15 14:21:10 PDT 2009
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    Dear Birders:
    For those of you who enjoy birding at the UC Botanical Gardens (and who doesn't), here's a current report from Chris Carmichael who is the Associate Director and an avid birder.  Of particular good news is that the California Thrasher is still a Strawberry Canyon resident.
    -Phila rogers
    --- On Wed, 7/15/09, Chris Carmichael  wrote:
    > From: Chris Carmichael 
    > Subject: Birds!
    > To: "Phila Rogers" 
    > Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 8:48 AM
    > Hi Phila,
    > Hope all is well with you, and I'm looking forward to our
    > walk on Saturday.? Here are some updates I'm sure
    > you'll find interesting:
    > Last night I gave a twilight tour of the Garden between
    > 6:30 and 8PM. It was a warm and beautiful evening and a
    > unique time to be in the Garden. Overall nothing out of the
    > ordinary in the way of birds, BUT we did see the California
    > Thrasher up by the? water towers in the Mediterranean
    > Area across from the Rose Garden.? The Thrasher was
    > silent, unlike the Swainson's Thrush calls drifting up from
    > across the canyon at that point. There were also Pygmy
    > Nuthatches in the pines, fly-overs of Band-tailed Pigeon,
    > both Goldfinches, both Towhees, Purple and House Finches,
    > Wrentits, etc.? At this time of year Pacific Slope
    > Flycatcher calls are constant and Hutton Verios quite
    > regular.? Others like Warbling Verios and Wilson's
    > Warblers have quieted down significantly.
    > Since the Hooded Orioles fledged a brood from the
    > /Washingtonia/ palm in the New World Desert earlier in the
    > season I've been wondering where their next nest was, given
    > that I've seen them regularly in the Garden.? I was
    > never able to detect regular activity in the palms around
    > the Conference Center, and over the past few days I've been
    > hearing begging young in the vicinity of the bridge over
    > Strawberry Creek leading to the Conference Center and
    > Tropical House.? This morning I found the Hooded Oriole
    > nest in a deciduous tree, /Pterocarya/ (aka Chinese
    > wingnut).? Both Paul our director and Holly our curator
    > have had them nesting in trees other than fan palms in their
    > yards in El Cerrito, but I've personally never seen them in
    > anything but a palm.? As you stand on the bridge
    > looking upstream the nest is in the big tree right in front
    > of you. The tree itself is rooted on the right side of the
    > creek, but the nest is in a branch overhanging the left
    > bank.? The parents are feeding and the young are
    > calling vigorously making it easier to find.? From past
    > experience I'm guessing they'll fledge soon.
    > Finally, our calling Olive-sided Flycatchers had been quiet
    > last week and I wondered if they had moved on.? This
    > week they've called as usual in the big redwoods and
    > sequoias in the Asian Area.
    > Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and I'll be happy
    > to show you the nest if we can coordinate.? Also, feel
    > free to post any or all of this.
    > Best,
    > Chris

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