[EBB Sightings] immature white-crowned sparrows

[EBB Sightings] immature white-crowned sparrows

Phila Rogers
Sat May 23 09:24:52 PDT 2009
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    Dear Birders:
    I am puzzled by the several fledglings I reported yesterday in front of OSH on Ashby Avenue in Berkeley.  I have observed White-crowns in immature plumage before and remember that their head markings are in shades of brown.  That observation was confirmed this morning when the I read more about the species on Birds of North America Online (a good way to spend a cold and foggy morning).
    The fledglings I saw yesterday were distinguished by a single bright white line down the center of the head.  I could see them well because they were only a few feet away.  Were these markings unusual?
    I encourage better birders than me to find a reason to go to OSH today as I think the birds will still be in the vicinity.
    Phila Rogers

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