Hartwell, Roger
Tue May 05 09:11:11 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] DECLINING OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] [Flickr] American Bittern; Bay Pt. / Port Chicago / Pittsburgh

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    We've recorded OSFL in the Monterey pine forests at San Pablo Reservoir
    in May and/or June in 6 of the last 7 years (absent from the areas
    surveyed in 2003).  
    Roger Hartwell
    (510) 287-2025 
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Bob Power
    Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 8:43 AM
    To: EBB; Sylvia Sykora
    Hi all:  The decline in Santa Clara County has been 10.3% / year for the
    past twenty years. This is the advantage or the value of a summer bird
    count carried out over time.
    For California, for the period 1966 to 2004, analysis of Breeding Bird
    Survey data shows a decline of 3.9%/year (Sauer et al. 2005).
    Causes of widespread North American decline are widely conjecture, but
    fire suppression in the breeding grounds and habitat destruction in the
    wintering grounds are both likely pieces to the puzzle.
    All the information above is from the Breeding Bird Atlas of Santa Clara
    County, CA (Bousman).
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    --- On Tue, 5/5/09, Sylvia Sykora  wrote:
    > From: Sylvia Sykora 
    > To: "EBB" 
    > Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 8:18 AM
    > Johan - 
    > My experience here near Skyline and Castle matches yours
    > although I haven't
    > checked my records for the dates.  Certainly, Olive-sided
    > calls were a
    > constant early summer accompaniment, even from telephone
    > wires above the
    > street, and then location notes would follow, apparently
    > once the bird was
    > mated.  One year we had a pair nesting in the top of our
    > Deodar cedars and
    > were devastated when the nest was predated by Ravens.  So
    > far this spring
    > I've heard only a single bird calling from the West
    > Ridge Trail in Redwood
    > Park and a second bird seen there, as well.  A few summers
    > ago a male called
    > for months up near Moon Gate at Redwood Park, undoubtedly
    > unsuccessfully.
    > Sylvia Sykora
    > Oakland
    > On 5/4/09 8:19 PM,
    > "sightings-request at diabloaudubon.com"
    >  wrote:
    > > Send Sightings mailing list submissions to
    > > sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    > > 
    > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
    > visit
    > >
    > http://www.diabloaudubon.com/mailman2/listinfo/sightings
    > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body
    > 'help' to
    > > sightings-request at diabloaudubon.com
    > > 
    > > You can reach the person managing the list at
    > > sightings-owner at diabloaudubon.com
    > > 
    > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is
    > more specific
    > > than "Re: Contents of Sightings digest..."
    > > 
    > > 
    > > Today's Topics:
    > > 
    > >    1. Sightings in Heather Farm, Walnut Creek (Hugh
    > Harvey)
    > >    2. One Egret Dancing... (Hilary Powers)
    > >    3. Tassajara Creek Park Dublin (Steve Huckabone)
    > >    4. Olive-sided Flycatcher in Niles (Fremont)
    > (JoeDevine)
    > >    5. Lawrences Goldfinch, Sunol RP
    > (saltdodge at yahoo.com)
    > >    6. Re: Help with Quail id, please -- could it be
    > Gambel's?
    > >       (Tom Condit)
    > >    7. Re: Olive-sided Flycatcher in Niles (Fremont)
    > >       (jlangewis at sbcglobal.net)
    > >    8. Coyote Crteek Trail - 5/3 (Charles Woodrum)
    > > 
    > > 
    > >
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > 
    > > Message: 1
    > > Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 14:12:28 -0700
    > > From: "Hugh Harvey"
    > > Subject: [EBB Sightings] Sightings in Heather Farm,
    > Walnut Creek
    > > To: "sightings"
    > > Message-ID:
    > <010401c9ccfd$0968dff0$6f4a5142 at goldfinches>
    > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed;
    > charset="Windows-1252";
    > > reply-type=original
    > > 
    > > A Black-headed Grosbeak was seen and then heard this
    > morning in the trees
    > > between the paddocks at the Heather Farm Equestrian
    > Center.  Another or the
    > > same bird was also seen near the Garden Center by
    > Marilyn Trabert and her
    > > friends.  I met all of them at the wooden railing at
    > the large pond.
    > > 
    > > While we talked, they showed me a Common Moorhen
    > across the water on the
    > > island.  It has been maybe a year since I have found
    > one there.  This was a
    > > very good find.  We also watched a Green Heron on the
    > same island edge.
    > > 
    > > As I returned home, I heard a Wilson's Warbler
    > across the Contra Costa
    > > Canal, pretty much opposite the Sheppard Road trial
    > access.  This warbler
    > > would be in the trees behind the maintenance area and
    > the Gardens of Heather
    > > Farm propagation area.
    > > 
    > > Hugh B. Harvey
    > > Walnut Creek 
    > > 
    > > 
    > > 
    > > ------------------------------
    > > 
    > > Message: 2
    > > Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 16:09:54 -0700
    > > From: Hilary Powers 
    > > Subject: [EBB Sightings] One Egret Dancing...
    > > To: ebbsightings 
    > > Message-ID: <49FF75C2.9010804 at powersedit.com>
    > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;
    > format=flowed
    > > 
    > > At Lake Merritt this afternoon, I saw one Snowy Egret
    > in the thornless
    > > blackberries on the island, where egrets nested in
    > such numbers up to a
    > > couple of years ago. Mostly grooming and looking
    > around, but I did see
    > > those wonderful feathers come up! Another egret was on
    > the ground on the
    > > next island, walking under the cormorants'
    > trees....
    > > 
    > > The floats have been moved back into summer position,
    > and the last few
    > > scaup and Clarks/Western Grebes were meatloafing
    > around with one Ruddy
    > > Duck and one coot. And on the floats at least a dozen
    > Forster's Terns
    > > were perching.
    > _______________________________________________
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