[EBB Sightings] Re: Bonaparte's Gull

[EBB Sightings] Re: Bonaparte's Gull

Kay Loughman
Thu May 28 14:23:51 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Presumptive Bonaparte's Gull at Arrowhead Marsh
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] White-faced ibis and western tanager, Coyote Hills RP

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    Just an hour ago, about 50 yards south of the foot of the Berkeley Pier, 
    I definitely saw a BOGU, and my description would have pretty much 
    matched yours (although I didn't see the legs).  So while I can't 
    guarantee what you saw is a BONAPARTE's GULL, your description sounds 
    pretty good for that species.
    Kay Loughman
    On 5/27/2009  JimRoethe at aol.com wrote:
    > During this morning's bird count at Arrowhead Marsh, we saw what I think  
    > was a Bonaparte's Gull (adult non-breeding) in Seasonal Pond # 1 along the 
    > road  as you enter the park.  
    > The Gull was resting near a single Western Gull and numerous  Mallards.    
    > It was very small (about half the size of the  Western Gull) with black eyes 
    > and a clear dark spot behind the ear.  Bill  was thin and black, seemingly 
    > a bit darker at the tip, and longer than Ross  Gull.   The Gull had a light 
    > gray back with darker primaries.   Light pink legs.  When it turned its 
    > head, the upper head looked like it  might have the mottled beginning of the 
    > typical dark hood of a  Boneparte?s.    I would be interested in hearing from 
    > anyone who  sees this Gull whether my ID is correct.
    > Regards,
    > Jim  Roethe
    > (925) 254-2190
    > jimroethe at aol.com

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