[EBB Sightings] mines road-del puerto canyon 4/30/09

[EBB Sightings] mines road-del puerto canyon 4/30/09

sonny mencher
Sun May 03 10:15:33 PDT 2009
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    Please excuse the cross posting - Trip was EBB territory. However sponsor was Sequoia Audubon with most members following Penbirds.. Also forgive a bit of Grandpa Pride
    Our second grand daughter - Lauryn Elizabeth Mencher arrived 3:30pm 4/30/09 4 days early.
    All are doing well.
    Sequoia Audubon has a field trip to Mines Road- Del Puerto Canyon scheduled for Sun 5/3 so with 4 days to go Grandpa went on a?5 person scouting trip - ?out of cell phone reception until reaching I-5 about 4:40
    Started at Murietta Wells Winery - Great Great horned Owls nesting in usual spot. Many Cedar Waxwings along first few miles of trip. 
    Leslie Flint,our leader, knows the area quite well and we made many stops along the way.
    see photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonnyjeff/sets/72157617570855556/
    and comments
    Did find the Lewis' in usual area along San Antonio Road although Starlings seem to have taken over the nesting tree near the road. We continued on a bit and found about 7 wood ducks in the pond on the left before the ranch. Have found them here for several years
    Then back to the Junction and to Del Puerto Road - Tricolored Blackbirds in reeds at pond - Also had great views of mom and chcks - both American Coot and Pied billed Grebe
    Several views of Golden Eagles all along the route. Got the Lawrences and Lazuli Buntings at Frank Raines and heard but couldn't find a Yellow breasted Chat as we drove along.
    Approaching Owl Rock we stoped at the Fig tree to look for Rock Wren - No luck -but Great horned Owl sitting on face - To it's left deep in cave 2 older chicks and to it's right a youngster in nest. California Quail across creek
    Got to Owl Rock - More Great horned Owls. ?3 youngsters and Adult in one window, Red tailed Hawk a few "rooms"? and lark sparrows in the close tree to the right.
    Found Rock Wren here - at top of cliff
    Off to Tree Tobacco for Costa's - It was there moving back-forth across road - Gave us many great views. Then hoped to look for Blue Grosbeak on way to I-5.
    Along the way Loggerhead Shrike and Golden Eagle being harrassed by Raven - Amazing size difference when that close to each other.
    Now for the downer - About 3/4 mile before the Canyon Road ends -? Approaching Blue Grosbeak area we were suprised to see the entire fields on out left had been planted. Thousands of tree - one member of our group thought they were peach trees. Guess that doesn't really matter. The plantings continued to the last cattle crossing
    What an impact on the habitat and future water needs. 
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