[EBB Sightings] More Babies in our Patio

[EBB Sightings] More Babies in our Patio

Hugh and Rosita Harvey
Tue May 26 16:23:23 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Phainopepla - Mines Rd.
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    Over the weekend we have had two more fledglings arrive in our patio, but 
    they are not additional Chestnut-backed Chickadees.  The two California 
    Towhees we have been seeing come to collect mealworms have brought their two 
    fledglings to eat here, also.  Rosita told me this morning that she saw the 
    two young CA Towhees being fed by one adult this morning.  After lunch I saw 
    one young bird feeding itself, but then being glad to have mom or dad feed 
    it, too.
    The Chickadee young have learned how to eat on their own from the seed 
    feeder.  Rosita saw them go to the peanut feeder this morning.  It must be 
    exciting for a young bird to be able to find a new source of food.  They are 
    also using the bird bath on their own.  We didn't even have to put out a 
    rubber duck or plastic boat to attract them to the water.
    Hugh B. Harvey
    Walnut Creek 

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