[EBB Sightings] Birding Survey -- Please Consider Responding

[EBB Sightings] Birding Survey -- Please Consider Responding

Sat Apr 11 00:41:29 PDT 2009
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    All -- I am posting this for Amy Hartell at the Un. Of Oregon.  There is a survey monkey link below for ease of responding.  Thanks.
    Graham Chisholm
    Audubon California
    Berkeley, CA
    Dear Birding Enthusiast,
    My name is Amy Hartell and I am a student in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon. This survey is part of my unfunded Master's Project about how to better design birding trails and tour routes for everyone including people with disabilities. My research needs your perceptions. I am interested in how people's knowledge, skill, motivation and future expectations shape their birding experience.
    Data collected from this survey will be used to identify preferred birding experiences and how they may be provided for all kinds of birders and design for habitat conservation education. I am also seeking information on an important subgroup of birders, those with disabilities. The results of this survey will help me develop better design guidelines for locating and building birding trails and tours.
    Leaders of your birding organization(s) have agreed to give you the opportunity to participate in this survey either by emailing the survey for me to their membership or by providing access the survey through a birding listserve, electronic newsletter, or website.
    Completion and submission of the survey is voluntary. Completing and returning the questionnaire constitutes your consent to participate. The survey does not ask for any personally identifying information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. If you do not wish to participate, simply discard the questionnaire. Responses will be completely anonymous; do not put your name anywhere on the survey. The survey is intended for anyone age 18 or older and considers themselves a birder. Completion of the survey will take 20-30 minutes. The survey may be taken through Survey Monkey (a secure online survey service) or by completing a writable pdf form and returning it as an attachment to ahartell at uoregon.edu. You can find the writable pdf on the Portland Audubon website: http://www.audubonportland.org/local-birding/survey
    You may keep this letter for your records. If you have any questions regarding the research, contact Robert Ribe (faculty advisor), department of Landscape Architecture, (541) 346-3648, 230 Lawrence Hall University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-5234. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research subject, please contact the Office for Protection of Human Subjects at the University of Oregon, (541) 346-2510. This Office oversees the review of the research to protect your rights and is not involved with this study.
    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey to help with my
    studies. THE SURVEY CLOSES APRIL15, 2009.
    Amy Hartell
    ahartell at uoregon.edu
    On Sun, 5 Apr 2009 12:00:52 -0400, "CHISHOLM, Graham"  wrote:
    > Amy -- Do you have the Survey Monkey link that I could circulate?  Graham
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Amy M. Hartell [mailto:ahartell at uoregon.edu]
    > Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:57 PM
    > To: CHISHOLM, Graham
    > Subject: Fwd: Final documents for UO graduate student birding survey
    > Dear Graham,
    > I thought I would follow up to see if you were able to distribute the survey.  If you are able to send it out in any way please let me know as I need to report on the numbers of people reached. It would be great to have a contribution from California.  Thank you for your time.
    > Regards,
    > Amy Hartell
    > --- Forwarded Message ---
    > Subject: Fwd: Final documents for UO graduate student birding survey
    > From: "Amy M. Hartell" 
    > To: gchisholm at audubon.org
    > Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 10:42:27 -0700
    > Dear Graham,
    > I thought I would forward the message I sent at the beginning of the week and see if you were able to get the survey out.  I have had great luck so far with posting to three list serves in Oregon, OBOL, COBOL, and Mid Valley.  Klamath Wingwatchers and several recreation groups from the Klamath area have also posted it for me to their membership.  I'm still working on KBO.  I currently have ~160 respondents.  I'd like to get 350 to 500.  I plan on doing a followup reminder on the 6th of April and one last reminder and thank you on the 13th of April.  Let me know is there is anything more you need.  By far the most success is the survey monkey link posted in the list serves and secondly in blogs.
    > Kindest Regards,
    > Amy Hartell
    > --- Forwarded Message ---
    > Subject: Final documents for UO graduate student birding survey
    > From: "Amy M. Hartell" 
    > To: "CHISHOLM, Graham" 
    > Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 12:56:39 -0700
    > Dear Graham,
    > I have been approved!  Attached Is the final background letter and a writable pdf of the survey.   Also included are email links and web page links to survey monkey.  Following is a summery of the background letter that might make is easier to but into various online venues.  Please let me know is you have any questions.  I can also be reached at 541.892.0680
    > Thank you for your help,
    > Amy Hartell
    > I am a student in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon. Following is a link to a survey that is part of my unfunded Master's Project about how to better design birding trails and tour routes for everyone including people with disabilities. Data collected from this survey will be used to identify preferred birding experiences and how they may be provided for all kinds of birders and design for habitat conservation education. I am also seeking information on an important subgroup of birders, those with disabilities. The results of this survey will help me develop better design guidelines for locating and building birding trails and tours.
    > Completing and returning the questionnaire constitutes your consent to participate. The survey does not ask for any personally identifying information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. Responses will be completely anonymous; do not put your name anywhere on the survey. The survey is intended for anyone age 18 or older and considers themselves a birder. Completion of the survey will take 20-30 minutes. The survey may be taken through Survey Monkey (a secure online survey service) or by completing a writable pdf form and returning it as an attachment to ahartell at uoregon.edu.
    > Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey to help with my studies. The survey closes April 15, 2009.
    > Sincerely,
    > Amy Hartell
    > LINK TO SURVEY: Click Here to take survey
    > EMAIL LINK TO SURVEY:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=cxlublFiM6992fty1mYbKg_3d_3d
    > On Tue, 3 Mar 2009 23:49:41 -0500, "CHISHOLM, Graham"  wrote:
    > > Dear Amy -- Thanks for your email and background information.  I will share with a couple of people in Audubon California.  There are a number of ways we can help distribute, including our blog and helping place on list serves on your behalf.  Let me see what folks recommend.  Graham
    > >
    > > -----Original Message-----
    > > From: Amy M. Hartell [mailto:ahartell at uoregon.edu]
    > > Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:46 PM
    > > To: CHISHOLM, Graham
    > > Subject: UO graduate student birding survey
    > >
    > > Dear Graham,
    > >
    > > I am a student at the University of Oregon. My thesis topic for my Master's Project in Landscape Architecture is "Incorporating Inclusive
    > > Design and Habitat Conservation Education in Birding Trail Systems". I have been in contact with several of the birding organizations throughout Oregon. To explore design solutions I am using a survey instrument to be distributed to Birders. I have been talking to Joel Geier and Dan Gleason among others. They suggested birding list serves might be a good way to distribute the survey.  I was given your name by Sophie Shepard of Surprise Valley.  I have been doing some work on the Modoc with the Basin and Range Birding Trial.
    > >
    > > Currently the survey and cover letter is under review for approval by the University. I hope to be able to distribute it by mid-march. Attached are these two documents for your interest. They are not official. Portland Audubon, Klamath Wingwatchers and Klamath-Modoc-Siskiyou Recreation group have agreed to distribute the survey to their membership either by emailing it for me or providing a link in their newsletter and website. A great and effective solution that does not compromise the security of membership lists. Depending on their preference it will be either a writable PDF or a link to the survey on surveymonkey.
    > >
    > > I am really worried about getting enough respondents in time. Remember my project is unfunded and is looking for design guidelines that will benefit ALL birders. All participating organizations will be provided with the data analysis for any future uses they may have. If you have any questions please email or call. Thank you for all your help.
    > >
    > > I look forward to hearing from you and hope you will give your organization the opportunity to take the survey.
    > >
    > > kindest regards,
    > > Amy Hartell
    > > 541-892-0680
    > >

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