[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon, Mt. Diablo State Park today

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon, Mt. Diablo State Park today

Hugh Harvey
Thu Apr 02 17:22:57 PDT 2009
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    This morning I arrived at about 9 AM at Mitchell Canyon.  A group birding 
    with Bob Stewart was meeting in the parking lot, but I went on by myself. 
    It was cold and breezy.  I didn't hear too much and so walked farther than I 
    had actually expected.
    Near the junction of the main fire road and Red Rock Road, was a fussing 
    Bewick's Wren on the creek side.  Up Red Rock Road and near the junction 
    with the Globe Lily Trail, I heard Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and saw an 
    Orange-crowned Warbler with very fine grass in its bill.  It was very busy 
    popping around in the first thicket on the right of the Globe Lily Trail.
    Partway out this trail, I found a very nice stand of the dark blue Larkspurs 
    along the uphill side.  This is about where I started my return, as I was to 
    meet my dad downtown just after noon.
    Somewhere along the way back I heard a singing Pacific-slope Flycatcher.  It 
    was a little warmer at 10:30.
    The grass is growing tall, but the flowers are very nice.
    Hugh B. Harvey
    Walnut Creek 

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