[EBB Sightings] FW: Coyote Creek Trail - Addendum

[EBB Sightings] FW: Coyote Creek Trail - Addendum

Charles Woodrum
Sun Apr 05 10:47:29 PDT 2009
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Charles Woodrum [mailto:CPWoodrum at comcast.net] 
    Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 10:44 AM
    To: 'south-bay-birds at yahoogroups.com'; sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: Coyote Creek Trail - Addendum
    We walked the trail from 8:30 to 10:15 this morning.? The Hooded Oriole
    reappeared near the abandon farm house after being in hiding for a week.?
    Within 50 yards of it 2 male Bullock?s Orioles chased each other in the tree
    tops. ?South of the equipment storage area, in the general area where the
    male was spotted a couple weeks ago, a female Wilson?s Warbler provided us
    with a good look.? A first-of-season Western Kingbird was seen atop the dead
    cottonwoods creek side, just north of the storage area.? ?A Western
    Bluebird, the first we?ve ever seen on this trail, was spotted atop a dead
    cottonwood tree south of the storage area.
    Adding to the raptors, a female Northern Harrier made a high pass heading
    north.? Finally, we were entertained by a Raven and Red-shoulder hawk
    engaged in aerial combat near the Raven?s nest on the power pole.
    Chuck Woodrum
    Fremont 94539

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