[EBB Sightings] Are Downy Woodpeckers Nest Predators?

[EBB Sightings] Are Downy Woodpeckers Nest Predators?

Sun Apr 05 11:05:42 PDT 2009
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    Hi Hilary,
    Nice observation.  What you witnessed was a nonpredatory interspecific
    interaction over a nesting cavity.  That is, the Downy Woodpeceker
    out-competed the nuthatch for the nesting cavity.  The woodpecker was
    looking for a home, not a nuthatch meal or omelette.  Please see the
    excerpt below from "The Birds of North America Online"
    "The Birds of North America Online"   at    http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna
    Issue No. 613
    Authors: Jackson, Jerome A., and Henri R. Ouellet
    Interactions at Nest and Roost Cavities. A diversity of small primary and
    secondary cavity nesters (e.g., nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, House
    Sparrows (Passer domesticus), House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon), and flying
    squirrels (Glaucomys spp.) will compete with Downy Woodpeckers for nest
    and roost cavities (Wilson 1832, Stevenson and Anderson 1994, JAJ). A
    Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) attempted to enter a roost
    cavity already occupied by a Downy Woodpecker and the Downy repelled it
    using physical blows (Pitts 1976)
    Wilson, A. 1832. American ornithology. Vol. 1. Chatto and Windus, London.
    Stevenson, H. M. and B. H. Anderson. 1994. The birdlife of Florida. Univ.
    Press of Florida, Gainesville.
    Pitts, T. D. 1976. Fall and winter roosting habits of Carolina Chickadees.
    Wilson Bull. 88: 603?610
    > This morning, I was treated to the sight of a male Downy Woodpecker
    > checking out a hole in a tree by Perkins, just up from Bellevue near
    > Lake Merritt. He looked around, looked in, picked out a splinter or two,
    > jumped in and out... all the typical "this is a nice apartment; should I
    > put down a deposit?" moves, and sweet as can be.
    > Except.
    > On March 25, the 4th-Wednesday GGAS walk watched in delight as a
    > Red-breasted Nuthatch dug that hole in that tree. The nuthatches surely
    > didn't bring off a family in the intervening week and a half, but they
    >   were not in sight this morning - just the woodpecker and the hole.
    > What happened?
    > --
    > - Hilary Powers - hilary at powersedit.com - Oakland CA -
    > -  Freelance copyediting and developmental editing   -
    > - Author: "Making Word Work for You" - available now -
    > -          www.the-efa.org/res/booklets.php          -
    > - The edit you want - online, on time, and on target -
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