[EBB Sightings] Pt Pinole bluebirds status

[EBB Sightings] Pt Pinole bluebirds status

Laura Look
Wed Apr 29 14:17:45 PDT 2009
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    At least one pair of WESTERN BLUEBIRDS have successfully launched a 
    family at Pt Pinole Regional Shoreline in Richmond.  I hadn't been 
    down that way in over a month, so I'm not sure whether they used one 
    of the new nest boxes or not.
    This morning (Wed, Apr 29), I saw the 2 adult bluebirds feeding 3 
    spotty, wide-mouthed fledglings in the eucalyptus in the south end of 
    the main picnic area along the paved main trail just past the bridge 
    over the railroad tracks.  (This is just across the trail from some 
    of the nest boxes.)  One fledgling was fluttering about from branch 
    to branch, but the other two were just being lumps with mouths.
    A second adult male bluebird was seen on the far end of the picnic 
    area, landing on 3 different nest boxes, but showing no particular 
    association with any of them.
    A flock of about 20 Cedar Waxwings was hanging around the picnic 
    area.  It's consistent with my past years' observations that they're 
    everywhere at this time of the year.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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