[EBB Sightings] Koopmann Ranch - Sunol , Alameda County

[EBB Sightings] Koopmann Ranch - Sunol , Alameda County

Richard Cimino
Sat Apr 04 18:02:42 PDT 2009
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    Tim Koopmann owner and fourth generation rancher in eastern Alameda County
    open his ranch to Ohlone Audubon today.
    The ranch is 900 acres of rolling hills - oak savanna habitat along HY680
    between Sunol and Pleasanton.
    Within the tucks and folds of the hills are mature oak and sycamore forests.
    With no wind to speak of the birding conditions were good, even on the
    ridge tops.
    Ohlone member Irv Thiessen has placed 80+ Bluebird nest boxes on Tim's
    ranch over several years .
    Irv lead us to a number of the boxes were he has nesting Bluebirds, Tree
    Swallows and American Kestrels.
    Also we viewed a family of Golden Eagles and their nest which Tim Koopmann
    told us has been active for eight years.
    44 Species were recorded:
    Western Bluebirds 24+
    House Finches 20
    Horned Larks 11
    MeadowLarks 10
    Mourning Doves 2
    American Wigeon 2
    Greater Yellowlegs 1
    American Ravens 8
    White-throated Swift 1
    Tree Swallows 60
    Barn Swallow 1
    Violet-green Swallow 1
    Northern Rough-winged Swallows 11
    Gull spices  in flight 25
    Western Scrub Jay 7
    Sterling 30
    Anna's Humming bird 1
    Allen's Humming bird 1
    Acorn Woodpeckers 1
    Nuttall Woodpecker 1
    Northern Flicker 1
    Loggerhead Shrike 1
    Lesser Goldfinch 2
    Great Blue Heron 1
    Coot 1
    Mallards 4
    Killdeer 2
    Redwing Birds 6
    Black Phoebe 1
    White-breasted Nuthatch 1
    Oak Titmouse 1
    Harrier 1
    American Kestrels 4
    Red-tailed Hawks 6
    Turkey Vultures 9
    Bullocks Oriole 1
    Western Kingbird 1
    Savanna Sparrows 4
    Golden-crown Sparrows 7
    White-crown Sparrow 1
    Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
    Wrentit 1
    Golden Eagles 3 (2 adults, 1 juvenile)
    Yellow-billed Magpies 10
    Richard Cimino
    rscimino at earthlink.net
    Da Pacem Cordium

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