[EBB Sightings] Birding by bike -- unintentionally

[EBB Sightings] Birding by bike -- unintentionally

Douglas Vaughan
Fri Apr 24 16:43:49 PDT 2009
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    My wife and I spent about an hour cycling along Wildcat Canyon Rd this  
    afternoon, mostly in Tilden Regn Pk. Birds were very much incidental,  
    at least at first, but the number of species we heard -- despite  
    traffic and the unpromising hour -- surprised me. Only a couple of  
    individuals were actually seen, none well enough to identify by sight!
    	Red-shouldered Hawk
    	Olive-sided Flycatcher -- 2 or 3, FOS for me
    	W. Wood-Pewee -- seems early, just e. of Inspiration Pt
    	Pacific-slope Flycatcher
    	Ash-throated Flycatcher
    	Hutton's Vireo
    	Warbling Vireo (?)
    	Steller's Jay
    	Com. Raven
    	Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    	Red-breasted Nuthatch
    	Am. Robin
    	Orange-crowned Warbler
    	Wilson's Warbler
    	Spotted Towhee
    	Calif. Towhee
    	Song Sparrow
    	Dark-eyed Junco
    	Black-headed Grosbeak
    And there was another one or two (Bewick's Wren? Oak Titmouse?) that I  
    couldn't identify. Especially downhill, the wind is in your ears and  
    you only get one chance!
    Doug Vaughan

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