[EBB Sightings] Black Rail Continues @ Coyote Hills

[EBB Sightings] Black Rail Continues @ Coyote Hills

George Chrisman
Wed Mar 11 21:01:35 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Black Rail calling at Coyote Hills
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    This evening 3/11/09, I stopped at Coyote Hills at 6:30 pm and heard the calling BLACK RAIL just past the entry kiosk, calling continuously for several minutes as described and recorded by Bob Power. I played back my CD of the Black Rail, and in my opinion, it is a dead ringer. The Rail called every few seconds and was heard again as I left the park after 7:00 PM. 
      I had no luck with the Brown Thrasher. This was my 4th attempt without success. I did see a HERMIT THRUSH in the sage at the end of the Quarry parking lot. There are also at least 2 COMMON MOORHENS in the marsh ponds immediately behind the Poison Oak tree near the paved trail. They were there last weekend as well. There are also dozens of CINNAMON TEAL along with most of the common dabbling ducks and bunch of TREE SWALLOWS feeding over the willows at the center of the main marsh.
      Last Saturday at dusk, there were many bats feeding over the main road near the entry kiosk and marsh that I had not seen here before.
    George Chrisman
    Burlingame, CA

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