[EBB Sightings] American Bitten at Coyote Hills highlight of Alameda Creek/east bay shoreline bike ride

[EBB Sightings] American Bitten at Coyote Hills highlight of Alameda Creek/east bay shoreline bike ride

Jack Hayden
Tue Mar 24 10:10:09 PDT 2009
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    	<1787592562.6352501237779424674.JavaMail.root at sz0073a.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net>
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] American Bitten at Coyote Hills highlight of
    Alameda Creek/east bay shoreline bike ride
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Jim Chiropolos and I met Saturday morning at Lake Merritt where we
    quickly found the Tufted Duck with quite an extensive tuft. ?We took
    BART down to Union City and began our biking along Alameda Creek near
    Mission Blvd, proceeded down to Coyote Hills and then north back to
    Lake Merritt. The biggest surprise was an American Bittern at Coyote
    Hills in the reeds in the westernmost pond along Alameda Creek right
    before you can take the paved trail around towards the Visitor Center.
    The area where Jim spotted it was a few yards east of where
    Black-crowned Night Herons were roosting. ?Other highlights included a
    Wood Duck in Alameda Creek just east of Mission Blvd, Bullock?s Oriole
    and Acorn Woodpecker at the parking lot in the same location, two
    Ring-necked Pheasants and a Merlin at Coyote Hills and a Great Blue
    Heron swallowing a rat at Garretson Point.
    We did not find any of the notable birds recently seen at Coyote Hills
    (though we didn?t allow much time to search), Cackling or Snow Geese
    at Frank?s Dump (though the numbers of swallows there were impressive)
    or Barrow?s Goldeneyes at Lake Merritt.
    The complete list of the 104 species seen are below.
    Derek Heins
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Red-throated Loon (just south of High Street Bridge)
    Clark's Grebe
    Western Grebe
    Horned Grebe
    Eared Grebe
    Pied Billed Grebe
    Common Coot
    Common Moorhen (Coyote Hills)
    Clapper Rail (Arrowhead Marsh)
    American Bittern ?(Coyote Hills)
    Great Blue Heron
    Black-crowned Night Heron
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Canada Goose
    Cinnamon Teal
    Green-winged Teal
    Wood Duck (Alameda Creek)
    Northern Shoveler
    American Wigeon
    Northern Pintail
    Ring-necked Duck (Alameda Creek)
    Tufted Duck
    Lesser Scalp
    Greater Scalp
    Common Goldeneye
    Surf Scoter
    Ruddy Duck
    Black-bellied Plover
    Black-necked Stilt
    American Avocet
    Marbled Godwit
    Long-billed Curlew
    Long-billed Dowitcher
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Spotted Sandpiper
    Least Sandpiper
    Western Sandpiper
    Common Snipe (Coyote Hills)
    Glacous-winged Gull
    Western Gull
    Herring Gull (Alameda Creek)
    California Gull
    Ring-billed Gull
    Mew Gull
    Caspian Tern
    Forster?s Tern
    Turkey Vulture
    Merlin (Coyote Hills)
    Black-Shouldered Kite
    Northern Harrier
    Red-tailed hawk
    Ring-necked Pheasant (Coyote Hills)
    Rock Dove
    Mourning Dove
    Barn Swallow
    Cliff swallow
    Tree Swallow
    Violet Green Swallow
    Anna?s Hummingbird
    Allen's Hummingbird (Coyote Hills visitors center)
    Nuttall?s Woodpecker
    Northern Flicker
    Acorn Woodpecker (Alameda Creek)
    American Crow
    Scrub Jay
    Black Phoebe
    Says Phoebe
    Cedar Waxwing
    Northern Mockingbird
    American Robin
    Hermit Thrush
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    Bewick's Wren
    Marsh Wren
    Oak Titmouse
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    Hutton's Vireo (in nest)
    Yellow-rumped warbler
    Bullock's Oriole
    Western Meadowlark
    Brewers Blackbird
    Red-winged Blackbird
    House Sparrow
    House Finch
    American Goldfinch
    California Towhee
    Spotted Towhee
    Song Sparrow
    Savannah Sparrow
    White-crowned Sparrow
    Golden-crowned Sparrow
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