[EBB Sightings] Pt Pinole bluebird boxes

[EBB Sightings] Pt Pinole bluebird boxes

Laura Look
Fri Mar 20 15:09:38 PDT 2009
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    After last year's bluebird successes, somebody must have really 
    wanted to keep the bluebirds around this spring.  Since the last time 
    I visited last month, fresh new bluebird boxes have sprouted around 
    the parking lot and picnic area at Pt Pinole Regional 
    Shoreline.  Today (Fri, Mar. 20) One female and one male WESTERN 
    BLUEBIRD were seen near the parking lot boxes.  2 more male bluebirds 
    were seen separately along the Cook's Pt Trail.
    Tree and Barn Swallows have returned.  About 10 Forster's Terns were 
    foraging offshore.
    3 WILD TURKEYS were in the ruins at the corner of the Bay View and 
    Packhouse Trails.  This was a first for me for this park.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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