[EBB Sightings] Requesting adult Coop sightings

[EBB Sightings] Requesting adult Coop sightings

Allen Fish
Fri Feb 20 15:13:49 PST 2009
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    Dear Bird Colleagues:
    The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory is starting its eighth season of
    Cooper's Hawk nest monitoring on the west slope of the East Bay.   Any
    sightings of adult Cooper's Hawks, or suspected nesting Coops from
    Richmond-El Cerrito south through Alameda and Oakland - for now through
    mid-July -- would be deeply appreciated.  Please email any notes to me
    at afish at parksconservancy.org 
    All nest sites will be kept confidential.  The data will be used to
    learn and corroborate long-term population trends on Cooper's Hawks, as
    well as to investigate impacts on hawks by people, tree-trimming,
    rodenticides, Raccoons, Great Horned Owls, etc., and larger ecological
    trends.  For more information on the East Bay Cooper's Hawk Intensive
    Nesting Survey (CHINS), download our 2002-2003 CHINS Report at
    On rodenticide impacts on the East Bay Cooper's Hawks:
    Allen Fish, Director
    Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
    Bldg 1064, Ft Cronkhite
    Sausalito, CA 94965
    afish at parksconservancy.org
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