[EBB Sightings] OAS Field Trip Lake Elizabeth - Fremont

[EBB Sightings] OAS Field Trip Lake Elizabeth - Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Thu Feb 12 19:21:19 PST 2009
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    This morning, seven birders joined Mona Brauer and I for Ohlone Audubon's field trip at Lake Elizabeth in Fremont's Central Park.  The weather was cool, sometimes sunny and mostly gray, and free of rain and wind.  We enjoyed seeing 48 species.  Highlights were three "Aleutian" cackling geese on the lake near the boat dock at Bird Island.  On Tuesday, Mona and I saw four "Aleutian" cackling geese on the lawn near New Marsh and two "minima" cackling geese in a field near the Tri-City Animal Shelter.  Five American white pelicans were on Bird Island today along with more than thirty adult and immature black-crowned night herons. The mated pair of loggerhead shrikes perched just a tree or two away from each other on the east side of New Marsh.  An ever-increasing flock of tree swallows is wheeling around over the swallow boxes, and today we saw violet-green swallows and white-throated swifts among them. Western meadowlarks were in the field west of New
     Marsh.  Yellow-rumped warblers seem to be everywhere. A bright male common yellowthroat popped out to give us a look on the northwest side of the lake. Tuesday, three green-winged teal - uncommon in the park - were on New Marsh, but we did not seem them today.  A full list of species seen today follows.
    Stephanie Floyd
    Cackling Goose (Aleutian)
    Canada Goose 
    Northern Shoveler 
    Ruddy Duck 
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Western Grebe 
    American White Pelican 
    Double-crested Cormorant 
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret 
    Black-crowned Night-Heron 
    Turkey Vulture 
    Red-tailed Hawk 
    American Kestrel 
    American Coot 
    Ring-billed Gull 
    Western Gull
    California Gull 
    Glaucous-winged Gull 
    Rock Pigeon 
    Mourning Dove 
    White-throated Swift
    Anna's Hummingbird 
    Black Phoebe
    Loggerhead Shrike 
    Western Scrub-Jay 
    American Crow 
    Common Raven 
    Tree Swallow 
    Violet-green Swallow
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet 
    American Robin
    European Starling 
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    Common Yellowthroat 
    California Towhee 
    Song Sparrow 
    White-crowned Sparrow 
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Western Meadowlark
    Brewer's Blackbird 
    House Finch
    Lesser Goldfinch
    American Goldfinch
    House Sparrow

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