[EBB Sightings] Hooded Mergansers in Pinole

[EBB Sightings] Hooded Mergansers in Pinole

Idell Weydemeyer
Fri Feb 27 14:40:59 PST 2009
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    I was at Pinole Creek about 10:30  and saw 2 pair of Hooded Mergansers (so
    gorgeous with their sleek shining colors  when then come up from a dive).
    They were just past the railroad trestle. At the mud flat/beach/bay (high
    tide about 2:00 pm) I saw the Black Oystercatcher, over 100 Willets, around
    20 American Widgeon, 8-10 Black Bellied Plovers, around 30 Marble Godwits,
    7-8 Snowy Egrets, lots of gulls, crows and starlings. In the bay, out from
    the creek around 30 (probably) Scaups (right environment--estuary) but could
    have been Canvasbacks  since they had almost a total white sides and back. I
    could not see them well since I had no scope. There were other birds out in
    the bay. Also along the way  I saw several Black Phoebes, and some White and
    Gold Crowned Sparrows. 
    Many birds for a very short walk. 
    Idell Weydemeyer
    El Sobrante
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Laura Look
    Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 12:29 PM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Hooded Mergansers in Pinole
    I looked for Amy Richey's HOODED MERGANSERS along the Pinole Creek 
    Trail on Tuesday and failed to find them.
    Today (Fri, 2/27) I tried again and was rewarded with point blank 
    views of 6 Hoodies (2 male, 4 female) floating serenely in the creek, 
    just downstream of the overhead railroad bridge.  They did not seem 
    at all concerned about walking people and dogs, although they were a 
    little skittish when a train went over the bridge.
    I also birded Pinole Bayfront Park.  The only bird of note there was 
    a Mew Gull.  There used to be very reliable flock there, but a few 
    years ago when the construction started at the water treatment plant, 
    they became hard to find.
    A woman I spoke to when I arrived also saw Black Oystercatchers at 
    the creek mouth.  I missed them.
    The parking lot for Bayfront Park is at the end of Tennent Av.  The 
    creek trail is accessible from there by walking across the RR tracks 
    and across Tennent Av.  The mergansers were about a quarter mile up 
    the trail.  As Amy described, there is also a small public parking 
    lot off Tennent that allows access to the Fernandez Park area just 
    upstream of the RR bridge.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA
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