[EBB Sightings] Heather Farm Birds, Walnut Creek

[EBB Sightings] Heather Farm Birds, Walnut Creek

Hugh Harvey
Wed Nov 05 20:22:10 PST 2008
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    Yesterday, Tuesday, a Merlin was plucking feathers from a House Finch at the 
    top of a small conifer, when it suddenly left.  Seems a Red-shouldered Hawk 
    wanted part of the action.  A Scrub Jay had been squawking and an Anna's 
    Hummer made noise in the same area.  Several of us park "regulars" saw this 
    Friday, Oct. 31 there were 4 California Gulls mixed in with the Ring-billed 
    Gulls on the south ball fields.  The Cackling Goose first reported for Oct. 
    28 continues, this morning it was first seen on the north ball fields, later 
    it was seen on the south fields.  In addition, today there was a young 
    Greater White-fronted Goose in the same flock on the south fields, near 
    Ygnacio Valley Road.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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