[EBB Sightings] More Martinez birds

[EBB Sightings] More Martinez birds

Hugh Harvey
Mon Nov 24 17:56:29 PST 2008
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    After the MDAS field trip, I continued birding at Martinez Regional 
    Shoreline, another EBRPD property located west of the Martinez Amtrak 
    station.  I started walking from the parking area on Embarcadero, turn left 
    after crossing the RR tracks on Berrelessa St.  Walking west, I turned out 
    to the Carquinez Strait and scoped the river from the bench near the sailing 
    ship hulk.
    Realizing all the ducks were downstream, I walked to the far edge of the 
    EBRPD boundary to the west--towards Crockett.  The pilings of an abandoned 
    pier stick out from the shore and a large raft of ducks was in that 
    direction.  This raft of mostly Scaups, also included probably more than 100 
    Common Goldeneyes, about a dozen male Barrow's Goldeneyes and some 
    Back at Alhambra Creek at the foot of Berrelessa Street, I found many 
    shorebirds including Killdeer, Semi-palmated Plover, Western and Least 
    Sandpiper and Dunlin.  Gadwalls and Mallards were in the water and a Great 
    Egret and three gull sp were on the mudflats.  At least 4 Black-crowned 
    Night-Herons were in the trees at the Berrelessa Street parking area.  Look 
    for the whitewash.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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