[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Golden Eagle

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Golden Eagle

George Chrisman
Fri Nov 21 16:49:23 PST 2008
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    This morning at 7:30, Friday 11/21/08, there was a GOLDEN EAGLE perched on the first power pole north of Patterson Ranch Road near the entrance to Coyote Hills Regional Park. From the entrance gate I could see 4 WHITE-TAILED KITES perched on a bare tree, 1 imm. COOPER'S HAWK perched on a willow, 2 SHARP-SHINNED HAWKS in flight, 3 RED-TAIL HAWKS, 1 AMERICAN KESTREL perched on a wire, & 2 NORTHERN HARRIERS foraging over the marsh.
      That was just the raptors from the road. Walking the gravel trail north from the entry kiosk, there were over 20 CANVASBACKS and 11 AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS in the first large pond at the curve in the trail. Dozens of sparrows and warblers including 2 FOX SPARROWS & 2 male COMMON YELLOWTHROATS in the willows and wetlands along the trail.
    George Chrisman
    Burlingame, CA

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