[EBB Sightings] Magic in the Morcom Amphitheater of Roses; Early Action at Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Magic in the Morcom Amphitheater of Roses; Early Action at Lake Merritt

Hilary Powers
Wed Oct 22 13:44:02 PDT 2008
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    This morning before the 4th-Wednesday GGAS Lake Merritt walk, I went to 
    check out a (to me) new birding spot: the Morcom Amphitheater of Roses, 
    up Jean Street from Grand Avenue. Nothing startlingly rare, but I saw a 
    Hermit Thrush and both Steller's and Scrub Jays, a tree full of Lesser 
    Goldfinches, and what I think was a Hutton's Vireo.
    Ever hear of it? Not I. Seventeen years I've lived here, and glimpsed it 
    only last month when a tow truck hauled my car past one side of it. Many 
    of the roses are still in bloom, and it's like a pocket Butchart 
    Gardens, big enough and overgrown enough around the edges so you're 
    hardly aware of being in town, dropped casually a few minutes' drive 
    from downtown Oakland.
    At the lake, the scaup are out in force, both varieties, and we saw five 
    kinds of grebes, plus one Canvasback, several Bufflehead, and a 
    Ring-Necked Duck - the latter NOT one from last year; it was a young 
    male not quite in full adult plumage. And an adult Brown Pelican was 
    touring and diving up and down the lake, to complete the ensnarement of 
    the new birders who'd joined the walk.
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