[EBB Sightings] Osprey & more at Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon, Fremont

[EBB Sightings] Osprey & more at Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon, Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Sat Oct 18 17:48:13 PDT 2008
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    Late this afternoon, I took a walk at Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon in Fremont.  This area is only open to the public during special events; today they were leading "earthquake walks" in honor of the October 21st 140th anniversary of the great 1868 quake on the Hayward fault.  A resident osprey was in its usual snag overlooking the pond until a passing group stirred it to fly off to the northeast.  I have seen osprey here for years and years, including at (adjacent) BART's busiest hours.  A red-shouldered hawk was in a tree across the pond from the osprey, and a loud belted kingfisher flew up and down the pond, calling. A downy woodpecker scuttled up and down a tree trunk, and I passed many yellow-rumped warblers along my route. Ruddy ducks were on the pond.  The park has a "tree walk" with a line of trees signed for those of us who are botanically challenged.  It is helpful to learn what a "white alder" is in case someone posts about a rare bird being in
     one.  My favorite was the "coast silk tassel". Tyson Lagoon is next door to Fremont BART, on Walnut Avenue, and some of the large pond and wetlands can be seen from the BART parking lot.  Other ponds that cannot be seen from the parking lot fill up after the first few rains (they're dry now). Go to the following web site to check the tours and events schedule for times when you may be able to visit. 
    http://msnucleus.org/watersheds/index.html (click on "Tule Ponds/Tysoon Lagoon")
    Stephanie Floyd
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