[EBB Sightings] Fall Challenge for SFBBO - Calaveras Catchbirds

[EBB Sightings] Fall Challenge for SFBBO - Calaveras Catchbirds

Kris Olson
Thu Oct 02 15:58:42 PDT 2008
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    Hi all,
    Interested in supporting great research about and for birds around the Bay
    by SFBBO? If so, I just teamed with 3 other local birders to scour Calaveras
    County for birds -- and do we have a deal for you!  You can support our
    team, or SFBBO more generally, or any Fall Challenge  team you choose -- for
    as little or as much money as you want! The birds win, you win.
    Bob Lewis's site has a link about donations:
    Donations: http://www.sfbbo.org/support/join.php
    "Guided Field Trips" that you can participate in when you donate - Oct.
    4-12-- and you get a great Tshirt this year:
    Yesterday, our team spent the day in Calaveras County with Bob Lewis, Dave
    Quady (both from Berkeley) and Dave Corman, a birding-by-ear expert
    currently residing in Arnold, heart of Calaveras County. We started at 4am
    with a Western Screech Owl in Arnold, then Northern Saw Whet Owl in
    Calaveras Big Trees State Park, a Northern Pygmy Owl back in Arnold--
    putting on a tremenendous show after dawn of diving for birds by a little
    pond and resisting the mobbing flock. We ended on Rock Creek Road with a
    Barn Owl at 8:45pm. All total we saw 87-89 species--  waiting for the final
    total from Bob Lewis. "Best" (aka my favorite) birds, besides the little
    Pygmy Owl, were (1) Pileated Woodpecker chatting to itself, hanging upside
    on a Flowering Dogwood (leaves gold, tinged with red), eating the red
    fruits; (2)Lewis's Woodpecker flycatching by the road; (3) Loggerhead
    Shrike; (5) V formation of 50 Sandhill Cranes; (5) flocks of Lark Sparrows;
    (6) several Black-throated Gray Warblers providing great looks. The evening
    before we saw a Phainopepla and 6 Yellow-billed Magpies, but missed them
    It was a beautiful day in Calaveras -- from 7000' to 200' -- almost
    windless, cloudless day. If anyone is intersted, we can send you the
    complete bird list. Let me know.
    Good birding!
    Kris Olson, Menlo Park CA

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