[EBB Sightings] Termite Buffet at UC Botanical Gardens

[EBB Sightings] Termite Buffet at UC Botanical Gardens

Judith Dunham
Sun Oct 05 14:13:54 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler at Lake Temescal
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    Wandering the gardens this a.m between about 9:45 and 11:30, we  
    followed the creek from the palm garden downstream to the deck whose  
    railing is decorated with colorful bird tiles. Just ten feet or so  
    beyond that, termites were emerging out of the ground and immediately  
    taking to wing. As termites by the dozen flew upward into the bushes  
    along the trail and into the live oak branches overhead, a mixed  
    flock was ready to greet, and eat, some of them. The flock included  
    several Townsend's Warblers and two Hutton's Vireos. In the bushes,  
    juncos and a Bewick's Wren were also snagging the silvery-winged  
    Similar emergences were occurring elsewhere in the garden. Uphill  
    from the crops of the world area, a Song Sparrow ran up and down a  
    path catching termites as they gained their wings.
    It was also a good morning for woodpeckers: one Hairy, one Nuttall's,  
    one Downy, and two Flickers were all active and vocal.
    Judith Dunham

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