[EBB Sightings] Albany Mudflats- Greater Yellowlegs, Wigeon- pic

[EBB Sightings] Albany Mudflats- Greater Yellowlegs, Wigeon- pic

Wen Hsu
Sat Sep 27 21:07:54 PDT 2008
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    This afternoon, there were 2 Blue-Winged Teals, too.
    On Sep 27, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Verne Nelson wrote:
    The Albany Mudflats at low tide is certainly an enjoyable bird  
    watching and bird photography spot. The light is always behind you  
    and on a sunny day shines all the way into the 'golden hour' before  
    At low tide, the creek which feeds into the mudflats 'converts' to a  
    freshwater channel snaking its way through the flats to the bay. Many  
    birds- avocets, shovelers, wigeons and green-winged teal - take  
    advantage of this time to bathe and drink its waters.
    Others, continue to scour the flats for food- red-necked stilts, semi- 
    palmated plovers, peeps, dunlins, and killdeer.
    Here's a shot of a Greater Yellowlegs flying off to another foraging  
    spot along the freshwater channel...
    and a wigeon in flight...
    It's a great spot, not so much for rarities but for abundance.

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