[EBB Sightings] Walnut Creek sightings

[EBB Sightings] Walnut Creek sightings

Hugh Harvey
Wed Sep 24 20:33:46 PDT 2008
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    This morning, as I was leaving on my bike for Heather Farm Park, I heard a 
    "yank,yank" sound.  Sure enough, in the Redwood trees which line Treat 
    Boulevard near our house was a Red-breasted Nuthatch.  It was sitting high 
    in one of the trees, right out in the sun.  It called several more times. 
    Then it flew south, over the houses to our north, then over our house as it 
    headed in the direction of Heather Farm Park.  It was funny to watch it, 
    wings going like crazy and not a lot of distance being traveled.
    Hoping to find it again over near the park, I headed that way, too. 
    Unfortunately, at some point along the way I picked up a huge puncture vine 
    thorn in my back tire.  The tire was flat. This did work to my advantage 
    because I found Janet Goodman in the park and we birded while we talked and 
    I pushed my bike.
    We did find the Red-shouldered Hawk, a Yellow-rumped Warbler and a Yellow 
    Warbler.  Before we met I had found a Downy Woodpecker, heard a 
    White-breasted Nuthatch, found 12 Killdeer on the baseball fields, and been 
    totally stunned by the volume of traffic driving to the Seven Hills School. 
    Just never seen that many cars at once trying to do the morning drop-off.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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