[EBB Sightings] creeping towards Fall

[EBB Sightings] creeping towards Fall

debbie viess
Sun Sep 14 23:06:37 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Shorebird Park Berkeley this evening
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    Change is afoot, or perhaps I should say, awing? A walk along the Huckleberry Loop yesterday showed cooling Fall temperatures, beautiful, red poison oak leaves (don't pet their temptingly soft surfaces!)?and handfuls of deliciously sweet-tart huckleberries. A pair of band-tailed pigeons flew over as I arrived, but the woods were otherwise pretty quiet, bird-wise, although a bit too populated, people-wise, for my tastes.
    At my feet I found a worn flight feather formerly belonging to a sharpie, and then I saw the white feathered tail-flash of a small bird ahead. No binocs this time, so I waited for it to come to me. Up close, it was unmistakeably?a Townsend's warbler, but what was peculiar was its manner of hunting....it was assiduously creeping up the mossy trunks of Bay trees, busily poking here and there for sustenance. Just as I thought "Why, it's behaving just like a creeper!" out popped an actual creeper, right on cue, who also combed the Bay bark, but from a lower initial starting point.
    Jeez, who choreographs this place, anyway?!!?
    Debbie Viess
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