[EBB Sightings] Summer Tanager still in Moraga

[EBB Sightings] Summer Tanager still in Moraga

Denise Wight
Thu Aug 28 11:42:43 PDT 2008
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    Hi E. B. Birders,
    This morning near Valle Vista Staging Area in Moraga,
    the Summer Tanager was calling and eventually visible
    near the top of a group of walnut trees along Canyon
    Road. I watched it for about five minutes from the
    gate at the end of the road by the main bridge. This
    area is only about 100 yards east of where the bird
    was originally found by Tim Howe.
    There was also a Yellow Warbler in the willows that
    border the steam, and both male and female Wood Ducks
    were vocalizing.
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, CA

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