[EBB Sightings] Call for papers: Western Field Ornithologists' convention, San Mateo, Oct 9-12

[EBB Sightings] Call for papers: Western Field Ornithologists' convention, San Mateo, Oct 9-12

Dave Quady
Mon Jun 23 22:37:21 PDT 2008
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    Bay Area Birders (with apologies for cross-posting):
    Western Field Ornithologists is now soliciting abstracts for
    presentations at its 33rd Annual Meeting, to be held in San Mateo,
    California on October 9-12.
    Oral presentations should reflect original research or summarize  
    unpublished information and should be presented in a manner that will be
    of interest to serious amateur and professional field ornithologists.
    Papers presented at other conferences will be considered provided  
    that the
    material has not already been published.
    Papers should deal with birds in western North America.  Acceptable
    subjects include status and distribution, ecology and behavior, field
    identification, conservation, and techniques for field study, among
    other topics. Presentations will last 15 minutes, including time for
    interaction with the audience -- a hallmark of WFO meetings.
    If you are interested in making a presentation, contact
    Jay Withgott, withgott at comcast.net or Debbie Van Dooremolen,
    Debbie.VanDooremolen at snwa.com for more information.
    The conference is fast approaching!  Abstracts must be submitted  
    to both Jay and Debbie NO LATER THAN JULY 31, 2008.  A specific  
    format must be followed, I'm afraid:
    type, all
    caps). Title of your talk (Times, 10-point type, bold). Your affiliation
    and/or sponsoring organization(s), if any, complete mailing address  
    10-point type, italics), e-mail address (Arial, 9-point type).
    Brief (300-word maximum) summary of the objectives, methods, results,
    significance, and generality of your study (Times, 10-point type).
    Submissions should include a brief (60-word maximum) bio for the primary
    [Sorry for all that detail about the abstract's format, but I was  
    unable to download it just now from the brand-new,
    quite spiffy (but still not fully functioning) WFO website at  ]
    HOWEVER, the website does have forms you'll need to register for the  
    select the field trips you want to take, etc.
    UNSOLICITED RECOMMENDATION: WFO and the Central Valley Birding  
    Symposium are
    my two favorite conventions, both for their presentations and for  
    their field trips.
    So mark your calendars for WFO in San Mateo, October 9-12.  I'll see  
    you there!
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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