[EBB Sightings] Great-tailed Grackles at Shadow Cliffs

[EBB Sightings] Great-tailed Grackles at Shadow Cliffs

Art Edwards
Thu May 01 16:11:17 PDT 2008
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    Two male Great-tailed Grackles were seen at Shadow Cliffs Regional Park on
    Tuesday, April 29, 2008 by a park employee, and today, May 1, at about noon, by me.
     They were perched high in the trees between the swimming beach and the
    fishing pier to the south, making their weird sounds.
    Also, a Common Moorhen was in Arroyo del Valle just upstream of the footbridge
    south of the water slide area.  Moorhens have been regular there for many
    years.  A Red-tailed Hawk was sitting on a nest above the trail just a few yards
    upstream of the footbridge. Two Bullock's Orioles were chasing each other at
    the swimming beach.
    Note:  there is an entrance fee.
    Art Edwards

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