[EBB Sightings] Common Poorwill, Mines Rd.

[EBB Sightings] Common Poorwill, Mines Rd.

Thu May 22 01:21:51 PDT 2008
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    Having tried unsuccessfully for Common Poorwill on Mines Rd. a couple of  
    times already this month, I decided to make another attempt after reading Bob's  
    post.  At 9:00 tonight (Wed., 5/21), I parked at a pullout on the east side  
    of the road around mile 9.75, walked across the road, played a recording, and  
    got an immediate, but short response from downhill.  I turned the tape off  
    and waited to see if the bird would call again.  Then I heard a very nearby  
    call, and realized I had a bird uphill.  After retrieving my binocs from  the 
    truck, I located it sitting on top of a wooden fencepost just above the  pullout. 
     I was able to get great looks, including a brief view in my  flashlight 
    beam.  The bird made a sally out from the post, and then  returned to another 
    post, where it continued to call for several minutes. I  could even see it's 
    throat moving in silhouette against the pale background of  the grassy hillside.  
    Kathy Robertson
    Hayward, CA
    In a message dated 5/21/2008 12:11:43 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
    rcpower at sbcglobal.net writes:
    At about 10:15 tonight, I had a Common Poorwill
    calling from the  downhill side of Mines Rd. at
    approximately the 9.75 mile point (not   marked).
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