Pacific-slope Flycatcher arrival dates - was Re: [EBB Sightings] Land Bird Arrival Dates

Pacific-slope Flycatcher arrival dates - was Re: [EBB Sightings] Land Bird Arrival Dates

Joseph Morlan
Mon Mar 03 10:45:05 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Land Bird Arrival Dates
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    	<493875.14373.qm at>
    On Sun, 2 Mar 2008 19:14:51 -0800 (PST), Robert Thomas
    >> Pacific-slope Flycatcher 3/22 3/11
    >22 February singing male (one seen well, another
    >heard) Carquinez Scenic Drive, Martinez
    This is a most surprising report. Does anybody else have definite sightings
    of Pacific-slope Flycatcher yet?  
    The 3/11 early date (based on Shuford) needed correction, so I checked
    other sources.
    "Monterey Birds" 2nd edition by Roberson has the earliest arrival for 20
    years of data as 3/2 in Carmel.  A 2/25 record near Elkhorn Slough was
    treated as a straggling winter bird.  
    Bolander's data from Santa Rosa over 26 years has 3/8 as the earliest
    In Santa Cruz County, the earliest on record is 3/5 based on 33 years of
    data.  See:
    3/11 is the earliest arrival I could find for Santa Clara County:
    Unitt reported the earliest arrival in San Diego County as 3/3.  
    Patten et al. reported earliest arrival at the Salton Sea as 3/15. 
    Marshall et al. reported earliest arrival in Oregon as 3/5.
    Based on all these sources, I am comfortable moving up the earliest on
    record date for our area to 3/2.  
    Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA 94044   jmorlan (at) 
    Birding Classes start Feb 5 in SF
    California Bird Records Committee

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