[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline (2/17)

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline (2/17)

Bob Richmond
Sun Feb 17 19:23:57 PST 2008
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    Seen at the shoreline today:
    Snow Geese - 2 on the Radio Tower Hills,
    Cackling Geese - 140 on the Radio Tower Hills.
    Red-throated Loon - 1 seen offshore from Hayward's Landing. The last on I saw here was on 1-15-01. Others including Steve G. and Peter D. saw them after the last one that I saw.
    Brown Pelican - 5 offshore from Johnson's Landing. This is the first time I have seen them at the shoreline in Feb. All 7 Jan. records I have for the shoreline have been of 1 bird.
    Rufous Hummingbird - 1 male seen in the Winton Ave. parking area. It was seen in the flowering part of the second Eucalyptus tree past the gate. I only have 1 earlier record in Feb. It was on 2-11-07. The only Feb. records I have for the shoreline are fron 2007 and 2008.
    Allen's Hummingbird - 1 male seen near Winton Ave. The one I saw on 1-13-08 was the first I have seen in Jan.
    Swallows - hundreds of Tree and 2 Barn.
    Lapland Longspur - 1 seen in a smaller flock of Horned Larks than usual north of the south end of the San Lorenzo trail.
    Good birding

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