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Hi all:
A throng of birders (well, i exaggerate. It was just
me) hiked out to the northern salt ponds bordering
Coyote Hills Reg. Park this a.m. No Brant seen. All
ponds scoped numerous times. Birds move.
Flamingo spp. seen approximately where the Brant was
reported. I don't think Mike would make that mistake.
I'll discuss it with him though. (for those of you
who don't know me, the previous two sentences
constitute a joke). Gorgeous bird. Not countable re:
ABA standards or ALA big year rules, but still, it's a
nice consolation on a beautiful morning.
At the Coyote Hills Visitor Center a male selasphorous
hummer zinged me a couple of times before perching. I
was trying to get him to spread his tail feathers,
unsuccessfully, when he launched into a shuttle
display flight. I believe the shuttle display is
diagnostic for Allen's, but would be open to either
confirmation or refutation of that idea.
I'll look at my hummingbird books when I get home.
Common Moorhen remains an elusive species.
Good birding,
Bob Power
Oakland, CA
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