[EBB Sightings] Directions to Garin Birds

[EBB Sightings] Directions to Garin Birds

susan stanton
Thu Feb 07 21:48:43 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline (2/6)
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] White-throated Sparrow - Contra Loma RP, East Contra Costa Co.

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    Where I saw the Rufous-crowned sparrows:
    Starting at the intersection of the Gossip Rock Trail
    with High Ridge Trail, walk north on High Ridge Trail
    over one small hill.  On your right (east) you will
    see a valley (this is the Garin Winter Burrowing Owl
    Colony site.)  At the east end of the valley is a
    round pond with a ring of reeds (Eye of Jupiter
    pattern, for any BSG fans.)  Walk past this pond and
    continue east on a cow path until you hit a barb wired
    fence.  Walk a short distance up the hill until you
    have fences blocking your progress both to the east
    and the north.  The sparrows (I saw 3) were on the
    near-by fences, and in the coyote bush to the east of
    where you are standing.  If anyone goes up there, let
    me know if you see any burrowing owls!
    Where I saw the California Thrashers:
    >From the intersection of the High Ridge Loop Trail and
    the Meyers Trail, walk north a short distance.  (Maybe
    100 yards?)  The birds (at least 3 of them) were just
    to the east in the poison oak.  I have never seen them
    in this location before.
    Notes:  The High Ridge Loop Trail to the south and
    west of the Pioneer Trail turnoff (ie to get to the
    Tamarack entrance) is really a mess right now (miles
    of mud.)  I recommend starting at the main entrance.
    The area where I found the sparrows is not well
    traveled.  I have never run into anything bigger than
    a bobcat or coyote, but keep your eyes open.  On the
    smaller side, there are ticks.
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