[EBB Sightings] Union City & Garin Park

[EBB Sightings] Union City & Garin Park

Fri Feb 01 19:53:44 PST 2008
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    I birded the grounds of Mission Nursery/Vallejo Adobe
    Mission on Alvarado Niles Rd. at Nursery Ave. before
    noon this morning. A male HAIRY WOODPECKER was working
    a woodpile behind a residence/office on the east side
    of the nursery. In the nursery nearby was a WINTER
    WREN. Also found on the grounds (nursery & woods
    around the mission) were a male Townsend's Warbler,
    several Hermit Thrush, Red-breasted Nutchatches, & a
    calling Cooper's Hawk, among others.
    Later, at Garin Park, I made a quick walk up to the
    Arroyo Flats picnic area (east trail above the creek).
    At the picnic area was a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW with a
    small flock of other Zonotrichia sparrows & an unknown
    sparrow that I couldn't identify (no pics). At first I
    thought it might be another WTSP, tan-striped form.
    What caught my eye was the very orange/rufous tones to
    the wings & head stripes. But, there was no hint of a
    white throat. I think there might have been streaks on
    the flanks & sides, but I'm not sure. From this quick
    look all I could find in Sibley's was the Eastern form
    of the Song Sparrow. But, it seemed too large & didn't
    seem to have strong gray tones on the face. I'll try
    sometime next week to find it again, if no one else
    does in the meantime.
    Also present at the picnic area was a Downey WP, with
    the usual Titmice, Yellow-rumped's & others.
    Joe Devine
    Modesto, Ca

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