[EBB Sightings] Groundhog day birds

[EBB Sightings] Groundhog day birds

Art Edwards
Sat Feb 02 17:56:47 PST 2008
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    Today, Vern Bothwell and I birded various locations in Livermore Valley.
    For details of locations an bird statuses in Livermore Valley, see:
    We saw the following birds:
    Greater White-fronted Goose       7 on Jack London Blvd, W of Isabel Ave.
    Cackling Goose                              2 on Jack London Blvd, W of Isabel Ave.
    "Aleutian" Cackling Goose           1 on Jack London Blvd, W of Isabel Ave.
    Canada Goose                               40+ on Jack London Blvd, W of Isabel Ave.
    Gadwall                                            8+ on Wente Pond on Arroyo Road.
    Eurasian Wigeon                           3 males at Las Positas Golf Course, seen
                                                               from intersection of Clubhouse Drive
                                                               and Terminal Circle, off Airport Way.
    American Wigeon                           80+ at Las Positas Gold Course/
                                                               12 at Wente pond.
    Mallard                                              +++ Springtown, Shadow Cliffs. Frick Lake.
    Blue-winged Teal                            Pr at Saddleback Pond, Dalton and Ames.
    Cinnamon Teal                                8 at Springtown Creek, 
    Northern Shoveler                            Pr at Saddleback Pond.
    Green-winged Teal                         2 males at Frick Lake, Laughlin Ave.
    Canvasback                                     3 in gravel pit, off El Charro Road.
    Lesser Scaup                                  4+ at Shadow Cliffs, Stanley Blvd.
    Bufflehead                                        +++ Springtown, Shadow Cliffs, Wente pond.
    Common Goldeneye                      4 males at Shadow Cliffs
    Hooded Merganser                         Pr at Shadow Cliffs, at creek footbridge.
    Common Merganser                      8+ at Shadow Cliffs, Wente pond.
    Ruddy Duck                                     +++ in gravel pits, in Shadow Cliffs.
    Wild Turkey                                      3 at Veteran's Hospital.
    Pied-billed Grebe                           3+ at Shadow Cliffs
    Horned Grebe                                 3 in gravel pit off El Charro Road.
    Western Grebe                               12 in gravel pit off El Charro Road.
    American White Pelican                1 at Shadow Cliffs.
    Double-crested Cormorant          16 at Shadow Cliffs.
    Great Blue Heron                            4 at Shadow Cliffs.
    Great Egret                                       1 in gravel pit off El Charro Road,
                                                                1 in Wente Pond.
    Green Heron                                    1 at pond on Bluebell Ave, Springtown.
    Turkey Vulture                                  +++ at Shadow Cliffs, Veteran's Park.
    White-tailed Kite                              2 at Springtown, 1 on Chelsea Way.
    Northern Harrier                              1 at Hartford and Lorraine Aves.
    Red-tailed Hawk                              6+ in Springtown, ... 
    American Kestrel                             4+ on Dagnino Road, May School Road, ...
    Common Moorhen                         1 at Shadow Cliffs, at creek footbridge.
    American Coot                                 +++ at Springtown, Shadow Cliffs, ...
    Killdeer                                             1 at Shadow Cliffs.
    Black-necked Stilt                           4 at Springtown Creek,
    American Avocet                             2 at Springtown Creek.j
    Greater Yellowlegs                         5 on El Charro Road.
    Ring-billed Gull                               +++ at Shadow Cliffs, ...
    California Gull                                 2000+ at Frick Lake on Laughlin Road.
    Herring Gull                                     ++ at Frick Lake on Laughlin Road.
    Thayer's Gull                                   ++ at Frick Lake on Laughlin Road.
    Western Gull                                   2 at Frick Lake on Laughlin Road.
                                                              (I had only seen 1 before in Livemore
                                                              valley, at Frick Lake on Dec 28 1995).
    Glaucous-winged Gull                 3+ Adults,1 immature at Frick Lake.
    Forster's Tern                                4+ at gravel pit off El Charro Road.
    Rock Pigeon                                  +++ on Tesla Road.
    Mourning Dove                              8+ in Springtown and on Laughline Road.
    White-throated Swift                     4+ at gravel pit off El Charro Road.
    Acorn Woodpecker                         2 at Veteran's Park on Arroyo Road.
    Nuttall's Woodpecker                  1 on Davis Way at Tyler Ave.
    Northern Flicker                            3 on Laughlin Road, ...
    Black Phoebe
    Loggerhead Shrike                      2+ at Springtown Creek.
    American Crow                             ++ on Laughlin Road, Springtown, ...
    Common Raven                          4+ on Dagnino Rd. and Hartford Ave.
    Bushtit                                           1+ at Springtown Creek.
    Marsh Wren                                  1 in Spingtown on Golf Ave.
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet                1 at Shadow Cliffs Park.
    Northern Mockingbird                 1 at Veteran's Hospital.
    European Starling                       ++ at varios locations.
    Yellow-rumped Warbler             ++ at Springtown Creek, Kent Winery.
    Savannah Sparrow                       2 at Springtown Creek.
    Lincoln's Sparrow
    White-crowned Sparrow             30+ at Springtown Creek, ...
    Golden-crowned Sparrow           2+ at Springtown Creek.
    Red-winged Blackbird                 ++ on Laughlin Road, ...
    Western Meadowlark                   2+ n Laughlin Road, Dagninio Road, ...
    Brewer's Blackbird                       +++ on Laughlin Road, ...
    House Finch                                  2+ at Shadow Cliffs, ...
    Lesser Goldfinch                         12+ at Springtown Creek, ....
    House Sparrow                            1+ at Springtown Creek, ....   
    Art Edwards

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