[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills- Lesser Yellowlegs, Ducks & Shorebirds

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills- Lesser Yellowlegs, Ducks & Shorebirds

George Chrisman
Mon Jan 07 10:33:34 PST 2008
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    I headed over to Coyote Hills this afternoon during a late lunch break. The previously dry marshes were filling up with runoff from Alameda Creek. Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs were actively foraging in the cracked mud bottoms as the water advanced into the marsh. I saw at least 4 Lesser Yellowlegs and several Greater Yellowlegs, along with Dunlins, Short-Billed Dowitchers, a few Black-Necked Stilts, and others. 
        The flooded fields south of the entrance kiosk held hundreds of ducks, geese, and shorebirds. There were at least 15 Great Egrets, 4 Great Blue Herons, and every variety of dabbling duck. Mallards and Gadwalls made up the bulk of the ducks, but there were substantial numbers of American Widgeon, Northern Shoveler, Green-wing and Cinnamon Teal, and a nice group of Northern Pintail.
        Several White-Tailed Kites, Northern Harriers, and Red-Tail Hawks were frantic chasing flooded out rodents from the fields and marsh as the water advanced. A Sharp-Shinned Hawk did a flyby and scattered the shorebird flock momentarily. The same field held about 60 Ring-billed Gulls, 2 Herring Gulls, and 2 California Gulls including one that was preoccupied picking the heavily oiled feathers from its breast. 
        Other notable sightings included a single Forster's Tern that flew along the drainage ditch half way to the parking lot, and a Loggerhead Shrike that was completely drenched from the driving rain. I was there for about an hour and there was not a soul in sight, all parking areas were empty, and a single car drove in as I was leaving around 2:00 pm. It was amazing and should be fantastic in the morning as the water engulfs the marsh tonight.
      George Chrisman
      Burlingame, CA
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