[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt local interest

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt local interest

Bruce Mast
Sat Jan 05 18:32:17 PST 2008
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    Snuck out after the rains to see what was moving at the lake. The TUFTED
    DUCK was back with his Scaup compadres in the fountain area at the
    Embarcadero. Several MEW GULLS were swimming around picking stuff off the
    water surface. I rarely see them at the lake except after a big storm. Most
    of the BARROW'S GOLDENEYES were down at the 14th Street bridge, along with a
    For those of you Big Year Birders (BYBers) keeping score at home, I added 19
    species to my Alameda list (see below). I also struggled with a juvenile
    Accipiter at a distance in bad light. Odds are it was a Cooper's.
    For the record, let's all agree that the White Pelican at the lake is not
    Bruce Mast
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Eared Grebe
    Brown Pelican
    Great Blue Heron
    Black-crowned Night-Heron
    Tufted Duck
    Lesser Scaup
    Common Goldeneye
    Barrow's Goldeneye
    Red-breasted Merganser
    Mew Gull
    Belted Kingfisher
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    Downy Woodpecker
    American Robin
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    Oak Titmouse
    Townsend's Warbler
    Dark-eyed Junco

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