[EBB Sightings] white geese in the rain

[EBB Sightings] white geese in the rain

Bob Power
Fri Jan 04 15:47:57 PST 2008
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    Hi all:
    I walked out to Frank's Dump at Winton Ave this a.m. 
    The east-west channel that parallels the parking area
    was as rain engorged as I've ever seen it.  Made me
    instantly think "should've gone to Arrowhead." 
    Song and Savannah sparrows seemed to scatter from
    every little bush that lined the channel. There was
    precious little cover for them. 6 white geese were
    mixed with the Canadas adjacent to the east-west
    pathway. 5 Ross's and 1 Snow. No Greater White-fronted
    Geese were around. The second hill north of the
    channel held a sizable number of Cackling Geese, my
    best count was 13, but no where near the numbers seen
    by Bob Richmond and Dave Weber under clear skies just
    3 days ago.
    Frank's Dump was relatively birdless. The standing
    water that usually provides safe refuge, was no longer
    standing; it moved in large waves, and I guess the
    birds would find this unpleasant at best.  Dunlin and
    Least Sandpipers were scattered along the bay trail,
    on the hills, and along the east-west trail back to
    the parking area.  The rest of the shorebirds had
    taken refuge elsewhere.
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA

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