[EBB Sightings] Tropical Kingbird, Jays and acorns

[EBB Sightings] Tropical Kingbird, Jays and acorns

John H. Harris
Thu Dec 06 15:04:59 PST 2007
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    This morning the Tropical Kingbird was present in the same location
    described in earlier posts, flycatching from the wires adjacent to the
    maintenance yard. Very nice views from the raised area to the south of
    the canal. I was joined by a group of birders whose names I have
    unfortunately forgotten; sorry folks!
    On another score, I finally found a paper I had been looking for for
    months related to an old series of posts about jays and acorns and an
    even older thread about variation in W. Scrub Jays. Anyway, this paper
    (Adaptive geographic variation in Western Scrub-Jays, Ecology
    82:2617-2627, by Elizabeth Bardwell et al. 2001) showed that scrub jays
    from pinyon juniper woodlands extract pinyon seeds 30% faster than scrub
    jays oak woodlands. Oak scrub jays penetrated and consumed acorns twice
    as fast as jays from pinyon-juniper woodlands. Feeding efficiency was
    correlated with various measures of bill morphology. Thought some folks
    might be interested in the reference.
    John Harris

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