[EBB Sightings] Welcome visitors

[EBB Sightings] Welcome visitors

Phila Rogers
Sun Dec 23 15:57:37 PST 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Mountain Plovers
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh 12-23-2007

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    Dear Birding Friends:
    I discovered a House Wren in my kitchen this noon.  He wasn't too
    alarmed by my presence but I know it was in his best interest to be
    hastened back outside.  This may be the same bird which in late October
    examined my bird box by going in and out several times.  The box has
    been ignored for three years during nesting season.  If he's still
    around in the spring, I hope he will keep me in mind as an excellent
    Though the Bewick's Wren is a reliable year-round resident, I don't
    recall that the House Wren has stayed around though the winter.
    Two Townsend's Warblers are now regular visitors to my sunflower chip
    feeder -- the female less shy than the male.  They appear to be hungry
    and remain at the feeder feeding heavily.  I believe that warblers
    usually prefer insects. Has the cold weather reduced the insect
    population explaining their unusual presence at the seed feeder?  Do
    other people see Townsend's Warblers at their feeders?  I have never
    observed the other winter warbler -- the Yellow-rumped -- at the
    Thanks to other observers who have described the differences between
    the Lesser and the American Goldfinches.  I have large groups of
    Lessers in a variety of plumages including a few males with bright
    yellow breasts.  
    Looking carefully I now believe that a brownish bird with buffy
    wingbars and a slightly stouter body is probably an American.  
    -Phila Rogers
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