[EBB Sightings] Pt Pinole RS

[EBB Sightings] Pt Pinole RS

Laura Look
Fri Nov 16 16:26:10 PST 2007
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    Today (Fri, Nov. 16), I took a hike around Point Pinole Regional 
    Shoreline in Richmond.  I was relieved to see very little oil or 
    oiled birds.  One dead oiled grebe (horned, I think) on a beach on 
    the south side was pointed out to me by 2 people who were 
    surveying.  There was also a Western Grebe off Cook's Point that I 
    thought might have a brown stain on its belly, but it was acting 
    normally and didn't give me a very good look.
    Best bird seen was a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (apparently first-winter) 
    with a small flock of Golden-Crowned Sparrows in the eucalyptus at 
    the beginning of the Bay View Trail.  (That's my 3rd in this general 
    area recently.  I see a pattern forming.)
    An Osprey was snacking on a fish on the pilings along the Bay View 
    Trail.  2 Black Oystercatchers joined other shorebirds further along 
    that trail.  A Lincoln's Sparrow was with White-Crowns along the 
    Marsh Trail.  Near the upper parking lot were 4 Western Bluebirds and 
    a Say's Phoebe.
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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