[EBB Sightings] Pleasanton Fresh Water Retention Ponds - WILSON'S SNIPE

[EBB Sightings] Pleasanton Fresh Water Retention Ponds - WILSON'S SNIPE

Amy McDonald
Wed Nov 14 08:36:00 PST 2007
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    At 7:30 this morning I made a 15-minute stop at the
    Fresh Water Retention Ponds on Laguna Creek Lane in
    Pleasanton. I was suprised to find 32 WILSON'S SNIPE.
    24 were on the small island in the main pond, the rest
    were along the shoreline. 
    Total species observed:
    Mallard 14
    Bufflehead 12
    Ruddy Duck 2
    Pied-billed Grebe 1
    American Coot 46
    Killdeer 22
    Greater Yellowlegs 1
    Wilson's Snipe 32
    Mourning Dove 4
    Anna's Hummingbird 1
    Black Phoebe 2
    American Crow 2
    Amy McDonald

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